About Us

Question:  Who are you people?

We are:

Speedy – 6

The fact that Speedy came tearing out of MrsToyReporter six minutes faster than his brother is not the sole reason he’s called Speedy, but it’s certainly a factor.  He loves cats, building things, art projects, Lego’s, fruits of all kinds, video games in all forms, and running.  But most of all, he loves his sister and brother.

Rainbow – 6

Rainbow likes to talk, REALLY very very much.  He enjoys Lego’s, processed foods of any shape, letting his baby sister chase him around the couch giggling, snuggling with anyone and everyone, reading books, playing video games, literally climbing the walls and tackling his brother.  His favorite color is pink.

The Princess

Age 1 and a half.  Actually 22 months now.  At what point does one stop referring to a child’s age in months, and then quarters, and then halves?  23 months becomes two years, and it’s all downhill from there.  The Princesses favorite activity is whatever her brothers are currently doing.

MrsToyReporter is a hard working mother of three children.  She is a children’s librarian, university adjunct professor, avid knitter, baker, statistician, industrial psychologist, and voracious reader.  Also winner of the All Time Best Mommy Ever Award, presented to her daily by her husband, Remo.

Remo is a hard working father of three children.  He is a toy aficionado, Computer Engineer, gardener, video game junkie, small time entrepreneur and origami crafter.  He is best known for his famous bedtime story epic “The Astronaut, The Knight, and The Space Dragon”


Question:  You seriously named your kids Speedy, Rainbow and Princess?

Answer: Of course we didn’t.  But we have watched one too many Lifetime movies to want to publish our real names on the internet.  Someday when the kids are old enough to have their own Facebook 4d holospace or whatever thing kids are into then and they want to publish their own names, that will be their choice.


Question: Can I pay you to review my toy/game/product?

Answer: Not paid, but we might just review it for free!

We don’t do paid reviews.  All our reviews are for items we already own or we want to obtain in the future.  Some of our reviews do have affiliate links to stores where you can buy the toys and we make a very small commission if you buy the toy through our link.  However, we do not accept payments to feature specific toys.  We use our discretion and only report on the best of the best based on the opinions of our expert toy testers.

If you have a toy you’d like featured on our site, use our Contact form to get in touch. Let us know a little about the toy or game, and we’ll let you know how to send a sample.  We’ll have one of our experts in your suggested age range play test it.  After that we might:

1) Feature your toy or game on our site in a review.

2) Feature your toy or game on our site as part of a free giveaway.

3) Donate the toy to a local charity.

No promises on which of the three you’ll get, and no toys or games will be returned.


3 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Anna said,

    Hi! I just found your blog and would love to exchange links and possibly ideas down the road.


  2. 2

    Kate Miller said,

    Hello there – I just found your site and love the whole thing! I’m also a mom (of 2) who loves statistics (public health/demography) and alternative toys. My kids and I have just started up a new company to sell our own designs of educational science toys. The kids got interested in dinosaurs a while back, and I was appalled to find out that there are no toys that teach kids about evolution, as there are on any other branch of science. So we started making and selling the evolution toys we came up with. We just launched a month ago: http://www.charliesplayhouse.com. Please take a look if you have a minute!
    Thanks again for your site,

  3. 3

    Bargain Toys said,

    hi there cool blog u got here! i got a toys blog too not sure if u want to exchange links or work together to better our blogs? hope to be friends thanks!

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